The learning have purpose to compare school income index of corporal mass of students of medium teaching between praticants and not praticants of playsics activy extraclass, in municipality of Machadinho-RS em 2011

  • Wagner Queiroz de Carvalho Programa de Pós Graduação Lato Sensu da UGF em Futebol e Futsal: As Ciências do Esporte e a Metodologia do Treinamento
Keywords: Futsal, Tactical awareness, Development, Athletes


Objective: The learning have purpose to compareschoolincome IMCof students of medium teaching between praticants and not praticants of playsics activy extraclass. Metodhology: The model gone constituted for eight students of medium teaching, of School Stadual of Medium Teaching Castro Alves. The instruments used were: documental analyse (school incomerin note) and mensuration of material dough (in kilograms) a stature (in centimeters) for determination of IMC. Results: All that index of corporal mass and school performance, the students that if findbelow of normalweight obtained mean of 7,48 ± 0,80 and students with super weight obtained general mean of 7,74 ± 0,66, while not praticants obtained general mean 7,11 ± 0,88. Conclusion: With relation the practice of physics active and IMC not apresented relation statistic significant with school income because students with index of corporal mass low / normal and elevated obtained performance schools resembling.


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How to Cite
Carvalho, W. Q. de. (2012). The learning have purpose to compare school income index of corporal mass of students of medium teaching between praticants and not praticants of playsics activy extraclass, in municipality of Machadinho-RS em 2011. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 3(10). Retrieved from
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