Tactical systems: Analysis of the use and effectiveness in the Games of Copa América of Football 2011

  • Cyro Garcia Soares Leães Mestre em Ciências Aplicadas a La Actividad Fisica y El Deporte - Universidad de Cordoba (UCO), Espanha. Mestre em Ciências da Saúde - Universidade de Brasí­lia (UnB). Coordenador do Departamento de Atividade Fí­sica e Saúde do Centro Integrado de Saúde - CISA
  • Bruno de Castro Xavier Graduado em Educação Fí­sica (PUC-RS)
  • Ivana Guedes de Souza Graduada em Educação Fí­sica (IPA). Especialista em Cinesiologia do Movimento Humano
Keywords: Tactical systems, Game analysis, Team organization


Introduction and objective: The football teams organization forms is an important factor and influences the performance. Different football schools developed different systems of play and strategical forms, being internationally known. Since the beginning of the football practice, various ways of distribution of players in field had been tested and some of it, consolidated until the current days. From the WM, of Chapman, in 1925, structural modifications had been made and specific tactical systems had been created. This study aims to verify the use of the tactical systems and its effectiveness in the matches of the Copa America de Futebol 2011. Materials and Methods: this is a statistics descriptive analysis study. All the official matches of Copa America de Futebol 2011 had been analyzed and the data gotten through the match analysis software Data Factory (official analyser of South American Football Confederation -Conmebol) computed in spread sheets developed in software Mcrosoft Excel 2010. Results and Discussion: it was observed that the defensive systems had been less used, showing an establishment of offensive concepts of game, and that the systems that hás a great concentration of players in the defensive sectors of the field, had been the ones that presented biggers percentile values for defeat, demonstrating that it does not have evidences that defensive tactical systems are satisfactory in what refers to the result of the match. Conclusion: there is no evidences that prove the importance and relevance of an exclusive and independent factor to guarantee the victory result on football.


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How to Cite
Leães, C. G. S., Xavier, B. de C., & Souza, I. G. de. (2012). Tactical systems: Analysis of the use and effectiveness in the Games of Copa América of Football 2011. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 3(8). Retrieved from https://www.rbff.com.br/index.php/rbff/article/view/86
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