Comparison between the Cooper Test and Yoyo Endurance Test L1 to predict VO2 max in Under 15 Amateur Soccer Players

  • Dráusio Guimarães Marcondes Cezar Programa de Pós graduação lato sensu da UGF em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio: Prescrição do Exercí­cio
  • Lilian Fantinel dos Reis Programa de Pós graduação lato sensu da UGF em Fisiologia do Exercício: Prescrição do Exercício
Keywords: VO2max, Cooper test, Yoyo endurance test, Amateur football players, Correlation


Objective: This study shows a correlation between the Cooper Test (CT) and Yoyo Endurance Test L1 (YETL1) to predict the maximum volume of oxygen on the body mass index (VO2 max. Ml / kg / min.). The study looks for the most recommended test for footballplayers under 15. Materials e methods: Eight footballplayers (n = 8) participated in this study: they are male, with a mean age of 14.88 (±0.35) years, mean height 173.98 cm (±6.36) and mean weight of 72 kg (±5.39), apparently with good healthy. The athletes were submitted to two different tests procedures to predict VO2max: the YETL1 procedure and the CT procedure. The results were analyzed by parametric statistical tests of correlation (r) and compared the ratio between the groups. The study adopt an errormargin of P<0.05, which is usually adopted in health studies. Results: Mean VO2max. is 44.00 ml / kg /min. (±4.60) for TC test. On the other hand YETL1 test showed a mean of 56.91 ml/ kg/ min. (±3.41). The correlation is r= 0.71. The heart rate average is 157.13 (±20.14) beats per minute (bpm) for TC, and 181.88 (±7.85) bpm for YETL1. The correlation index for heart rate is r= -0.08. The average rate of TC/YETL1 is 0.86, and this result is considered relevant. Discussion: The correlation to VO2 max. r= 0.71 presented has a significant and relevant rate of 0.77, confirming the data. The correlation for Heart frequency is r= -0.08; it is mean no correlation between the tests. However, the rate of 0.86 is relevance for results. Conclusion: The values of VO2 max. shows correlation between the CT and YETL1, otherwise, the heart rate shows no correlation between the tests. In all tests, the results of Cooper were lower than YETL1, suggesting that, the most appropriate protocol for VO2 max. for under 15 footbal players is YETL1.


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How to Cite
Cezar, D. G. M., & dos Reis, L. F. (2012). Comparison between the Cooper Test and Yoyo Endurance Test L1 to predict VO2 max in Under 15 Amateur Soccer Players. RBFF - Brazilian Journal of Futsal and Football, 3(7). Retrieved from
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